HomeCertification Course on Planning and Executing a Successful MHM Intervention
Certification Course on Planning and Executing a Successful MHM Intervention
Certification Course on Planning and Executing a Successful MHM Intervention

Certification Course on Planning and Executing a Successful MHM Intervention

Product Description

Planning and Executing a successful MHM Intervention

What would you accomplish in this course? This hands on, assignment based course will help you design the most effective curriculum for your target audience. By the end of this course you will be ready with a prototype to test among your target group.

Course Duration This is a 10 hour course by Aditi Gupta and Tuhin Paul spread over 10 days.

Topics Covered 1. Designing modules and curriculum 2. Communication design for social change 3. Mapping your MHM Intervention with UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) 4. Fund raising

About the Educator Aditi Gupta has been a menstrual educator for 8 years. Having gone through the stigma of growing up with period taboo herself, she deeply understands how uncomfortable conversations on periods can get.

She has educated over 50,000 girls and women about periods, body positivity and menstrual health. She has trained and coached over 10,000 educators to start the movement of Period Positivity. 

Educational tools designed by her team is being used by over 7500 schools in India and used in over 20 different countries to teach and learn about periods. Their work has impacted the lives of over  10 million girls and women in India.

She is also a TED Speaker. Forbes India listed here in 30 Under 30 and she was named as BBC 100 women in 2015. She has been invited to 7 countries to share her model to teach about Menstruation, Reproductive Health Education, Adolescence Lessons, Life Lessons, etc. Aditi dreams of a future where menstruation is not a taboo but a welcoming change in a girl's life.


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